Friday, June 12, 2009

business excercise

In our business excercise we have to go to Laxmi road market and hunt for a job for the day. We took lift from outside SIMS main gate. anyhow we reach the spot. We visited a number of shops like clothing store, grocery store, supermarket, hardware store, cyber cafe, malls, dry cleaning shop etc. It took us a long time to get the job for the day.
finally we got the job for the day in Vishal mega mart. We made it sure that we would be the new idea generater for the business to increase the sale. We got the job at different sections. My partner (Miss Preeti-38) got da sale executive role in the women section while i was given the charge to handle the sales in the kids section. Initially it took some time to get the idea of the exact location of different varieties of kids cloths, toys, learning material etc. I had a view of all the products and try to rememberise everything in one go. A customer was searching for the wright size for her daughter. I searched the respective column & presented different variety of the stock. Initially i took some help of the sales executive. The customer got the right size after a great deal of thinking. I was happy with the output of my effort.
The interesting case happened when a family visited the store with a kid of age around 10 years. They seems to be a bit choosy about the colour combination & the trend. I suggeted a number of combination to get the best result out of it . As they were not getting the right combination they were about to leave the area. I just requested to give me 2 more mins. The combination of yellow t-shirt & brown nicker worked. It was a nice experience to know about the different customer requirement & pattern.I came across 9-10 customer, mostly i helped them in getting the wright selection for their kid/kids.
At the end of our job we were paid an amount of Rs.200 as our day was a totally a different experience of my life, I enjoyed the day a lot.